Electronic User Queue
The electronic visitor queue is a modern software and hardware complex for managing visitor flows, controlling queues, organizing service, and distributing visitors to Service Centers (SC) of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU).
The purpose of the automated electronic queue system is to manage queues, distribute loads on SC staff, improve service, gather data on SC's work to evaluate and improve service quality.
The electronic queue provides a dynamic distribution of the flow of SC visitors by working hours and SC operators.
Each of the SC visitors can select the question with which they apply to the SC and get a numbered ticket for the electronic service queue. After receiving the ticket, user wait for their turn, watching information boards of the electronic queue, which display information about the current client and the number of the employee serving or calling the user.
The system consists of the following components:
- PFU central server,
- SC terminal,
- Information board (SC monitor),
- Automated workplace (APM) for SC employees.
At the central level, the following information is stored on PFU servers:
- List of service centers with electronic queue installed,
- Attributes of each Service Center (SC): unique terminal number, hours of operation, address, etc.
The terminal provides SC visitors with the ability to register in the electronic queue and receive a numbered ticket. Using the Web portal of electronic services of the PFU, the visitor can make preliminary appointments, view information about their appointment, and get a ticket.
The SC administrator uses the terminal to analyze the state of the electronic queue, view statistics on receiving visitors for a selected period, perform settings, check the status of communication with the central server, etc.
The information board (monitor) at the SC provides an indication of ticket numbers for visitors to the SC in accordance with the order in which visitors are invited.
The automated control system of an employee at a SC, provides the following functions:
- Before starting, select a list of questions to be offered to visitors of the SC,
- Start appointments,
- Call the next user's appointment,
- Perform user service according to the selected question,
- Pause work,
- Mark tickets that were not served due to user's non-appearance,
- Close appointments.
The software generates statistical reports on staff performance and time characteristics of user service:
- Number of daily appointments,
- Number of people in the queue,
- Number of persons served (by day, including current one),
- Number of people not served,
- Number of receiving operators,
- Average waiting time in the queue,
- Average user service time.
The electronic queue provides convenience for citizens, streamlines service processes, and provides analytical data for making decisions to improve efficiency at the PFU.