We share the results of products, successful cases, and events from the life of Medirent and the IT world
Let us relate modern technologies and efficient management tools to the unique chain – the electronic case management and the Unified Information System of the Social Sphere (UISSS). We will get an innovative combination, able to improve significantly the social services provision.
The Medirent company entered the list of impressive inventions of Ukrainian business, which bring closer the victory of Ukraine - a special project by Obozrevatel.
In the world of rapid and ongoing technology development, our IT company is proud of the possibility we have to take an active part in essential projects aimed at upgrading the lives of Ukrainians.
This week has started with the good news! The off-road vehicle the "Medirent" team has bought already helps the fighters of the 4th assault battalion of the 5th separate assault brigade on the front line.
Today the “Medirent's" IT developments allow millions of citizens to get socially important services.
On Independence Day, Medirent and the Charity Fund of the youth initiative "Nadiia" have unified the efforts so that the front-line hospitals that save our wounded defenders could get necessary medical equipment as early as possible.
Today, we are celebrating the 32nd anniversary of our independence. This is a day of free and strong-hearted people.
Add blue and yellow colors today, thank military men who defend our country, share your Ukrainian history with friends and family, and most importantly, believe in the prosperous future of our country.
Today we will tell you about the socially important project of the Medirent company for the Pension Fund of Ukraine – the system of pension certificates forming.
The extremely powerful off-road vehicle set off to the Bakhmut direction to support our military men of the 4th assault battalion of the 5th separate assault brigade!